What do we do?
Aims of our youth work
At Tove Valley Baptist Fellowship we aim to:
Provide a safe, caring, loving, yet challenging environment in which children and young people encounter God and respond positively to the Gospel of Jesus. Through sound Bible teaching, positive relationships and personal examples, as well as actively teaching God’s values, we aim to lead children and young people towards personal faith and growth into Christian maturity. We recognise that children and young people have an important role to play in the life of the church and of the community.
We recognise that children and young people are part of our fellowship today. They have much to give as well as receive. We will listen to them as we disciple them in Christian teaching and values, as well as in community life, we will respect their wishes and feelings.
As members of Tove Valley Baptist Fellowship, we commit ourselves to the discipling, protection and safekeeping of all, especially our children and young people.
We recognise that it is the responsibility of each one of us to safeguard children and young people from physical, sexual, spiritual and emotional abuse, as well as neglect, and to report any abuse discovered or suspected.
We recognise that our work with children and young people is the responsibility of the whole church.
We are committed to support, resource and train those who work with children and young people. We are committed to following the Baptist Union of Great Britain’s booklet Safe to Grow. This draws upon the 13 recommendations set out in the Home Office Code of Practice Safe From Harm.
Melanie Whitlock
Safeguarding Lead