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a sermon series to help us Understand why we call ourselves baptists.
Sunday 15th JANUARY
Baptist Basics_ Believer's Baptism (15_01_23) Artist Name
00:00 / 24:44
Sunday 22nd JANUARY

Baptist Basics_ The Lord's Supper (22_01_23)Artist Name
00:00 / 25:49
Sunday 29th JANUARY

Baptist Basics_ Church Membership (29_01_23)Artist Name
00:00 / 32:40
Sunday 5th FEBRUARY

This week was an all-age service and due to technical difficulties we couldn't stream or record the service.
Sunday 12th FEBRUARY

Baptist Basics_ The Church Members Meeting (12_02_23) AUDIOArtist Name
00:00 / 33:29
Sunday 19th FEBRUARY
Baptist Basics_ Leadership in the Local Church (19_02_23)Artist Name
00:00 / 38:32
Sunday 26th FEBRUARY

Baptist Basics_ Radical Dissent (26_02_23)Artist Name
00:00 / 33:33
Sunday 5th MARCH

Sunday 12th MARCH

Sunday 19th MARCH

Sunday 26th MARCH
Baptist Basics_ What is a Baptist_ (26_03_23) - - mp3Artist Name
00:00 / 39:44
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